The Sixth Annual Washington DC Area
Red Dress Hash
-------October 2nd 1999-------

Time: Registration begins at 1:30 p.m. so cum early and have a beer. Hares away at 3:00 p.m.

Start: Lulu's New Orleans Cafe, 1217 22nd Street, NW (22nd and M Streets), Washington, D.C.

Cost: $30 if postmarked on or before September 4th* - Sorry, Too Late!

    *As a bonus for registering early, you are guaranteed a complete Bag of Goodies, including a Red Dress Run '99 T-shirt, a personalized name tag, and other great Red Dress giveaways!

    $35 if postmarked after September 4th but before September 25th (includes a Bag of Goodies with a Red Dress Run '99 T-shirt while they last and tags that are not personalized)

    $40 after September 25th (includes giveaways as available on a first cum first served basis).

Make a weekend out of it...
Join us Friday night, October 1st for the "Cum and Get Lei'd pre-lewd" sponsored by the DC Full mOOn Hash Join us Sunday, October 3rd for the "Recovery Hash" sponsored by the WH4. Find details here
Registration Form         Who's Cumming...         Local Hotel Info
The 1998 DC Red Dress Hash was for another record breaking year.
We had 605 hashers from 45 different hashes represented.

    Your 1999 Mismangement for Red Dress VI will be:
  • Black Box
  • Blank Check
  • Hard Drive
  • Pay Per View
  • DualAir Bags
  • Big Bird Turd
  • Wilburr
  • Fussy Bitch
  • Hasher Humper
And and whole slew of volunteers
......more to follow on that front.


And now a little red dress history.....

Back in 1994 Mount Vernon had among its members a hasher named Short Cummings who had hashed in San Diego. As everyone knows San Diego started the original Red Dress Hash around 1986. Short Cummings thought that the DC area could have a really good Red Dress Hash because we had so many hashers in the area. Well in 1994 Short Cummings' incessant whining to Roto and Harddrive about doing the damn thing finally got to us and along with S'not we started planning the event. The rest goes something like this:

    Red Dress I - September 1994 - 140 hashers
      Hares: Short Cummings, Roto, Harddrive and S'not
      Start: Bardo Rodeo, Arlington VA.
      Finish: Bardo Rodeo, Arlington VA.
      Trail went from Arlington into DC via the Memorial Bridge after a rousing 'ather Abraham ala "Chorus Line" on both sides of Wilson Blvd. A trek around the Washington Monument and a beer stop in along the Potomac (where the pack formed a giant red arrow directing planes to National Airport) the trail led to a Metro ride back to Arlington and the on-on at Bardo. Mount Vernon's Stained Sheets had a little problem with the Metro Police when he jumped the turnstiles at the Metro station after losing his fare card. That little feat cost him a $40 ticket! A funny side note: during scouting of the trail the hares planned on using a particular metro stop as a egress from the trail to ensure they were one Metro train ahead of the pack. Well, the Metro stop is closed on Saturday so the hares were forced to use a different Metro stop. The confusion had our hares get on the train going the wrong direction. This little slip up had the hares on the same Metro train that the pack was about to board. The hares figured this might happened so they boarded the train at the very front and hid behind some non-hashers until the train reached the Rosslyn stop where they exited and ran on in to the on-on. The pack never knew what the hell was happening.

    Red Dress II - June 1995 - 205 hashers
      Hares:Short Cummings, Roto, Harddrive and S'not
      Start: Bardo Rodeo, Arlington VA.
      Finish: Bardo Rodeo, Arlington VA.
      Trail went from Arlington into Rosslyn through the skywalks then across the Memorial Bridge into DC. The trail went through Georgetown with a beer stop down at the boat landing. The pack ran through some sort of Chili festival down by the water causing quite a disruption. It's always nice to rile the natives. Again this year we used Metro as our transportation method. A hare side note: Yes, we did it again. This time we did not get on the Metro going the wrong way but we did get to the Foggy Bottom Metro stop just a few minutes before the pack. The hares hid behind a podium while the hashers boarded. Once again the hares got off at Rossyln Metro and ran on in to the on-on at Bardo without the packing knowing they "caught" us a second year in a row. This was the last year for Short Cummings as he relocated to San Antonio, TX. - Hey SC, thanks for the push to start this thing! Thanks to Burnt Sox for stepping in and making it another successful Red Dress Hash.

    Red Dress III - Sept 1996 - 361 hashers
      Hares:Roto, Harddrive, S'not and Burnt Sox
      Start: Crystal City Motel, Crystal City VA.
      Finish: Bardo Rodeo, Arlington VA.
      Trail went from Crystal City up by the Pentagon, across the 14th Street Bridge to a beer stop in a grungy looking parking lot. The trail then circled the Washington Monument, across the Mall and pass the Einstein Memorial. After that the trail headed down to the Waterfront where water taxi's (complete with beer!) ferried the hashers across the Potomac to Teddy Roosevelt Island. Trail went across the island and into Rosslyn, then on up to Arlington and the on-on at Bardo Rodeo. The Ft Eustis area hashers chartered a serious party bus to attend the event. It was quite the site to see the hashers making their entrance when the bus pulled into the parking lot to the hotel. Side note: The flooding of the Potomac River that preceded the hash forced the closing of Teddy Roosevelt Island. The hares paid the National Park Service's ranger to stand guard on the island and let the hashers cross. For the hares this was the toughest of the three hashes to set due to a variety of circumstances.

    Red Dress IV - Sept 1997 - 478 hashers
      Hares:S'not, Burnt Sox, Blank Check and Pay Per View
      Start: The Rock, Washington DC.
      Finish: Bardo Rodeo, Arlington VA
      Starting at the Rock (across from new MCI Center) this year brought our largest number to date of hashers to attend what has become the premier DC Hashing event. Two kegs were killed in the preceding hour before trail started. Once again we used the bus from the Ft. Eustis folks to transport the dry bags to the end. Trail went from the Rock around the MCI Center to the Labor Department. At this point the trail went to the Capitol but the pack did not. The pack ended up going around the DC101 and WHFS "blocktober fest" party disrupting the live bands. The block-partiers seemed to be enjoying the entourage of red more than the bands. After running a half mile the wrong way, Roto and Harddrive turned the pack back toward the Capitol. (Roto had a map of the trail.) The pack got back on trail at the Capitol and headed toward the Capitol reflecting pool, pass the Air and Space Museum to the Beer Stop at 6th and D where three more kegs were killed. We picked up a DC motorcycle cop at this point and he enthusiastically "shadowed" us the rest of the way on trail. From the beer stop trail went through the L'Enfant promenade to the Mall, pass the Washington Monument and across to the White House. The pack went around the White House by Lafayette Park to the McPherson Square Metro stop. We took the metro to Arlington and on-in to Bardo Rodeo for the apres. Another great Red Dress Hash. Thanks go to the San Diego Hash House Harriers for starting the original Red Dress Hash.

    Red Dress V - Sept 12th 1998 - 605 hashers
      Hares:Burnt Sox, Blank Check, Harddrive and Pay Per View
      We picked a new starting and ending location this year. Bardo Rodeo has been very good to us but our expanding size (and Bardo's shrinking size) forced us to seek a new location for the premier single day hashing event on the east coast. With the estimated size of the pack and starting at Lulu's we knew there would not be enough room to have the circle at Lulu's so we took the pack up a couple of blocks to Washington Circle. The mayhem really started as hashers decided it would be fun to pose for pictures on top of the statue. The hares were off taking trail up New Hampshire Avenue and zig-zagging around to come to Dupont circle. We thought it would be kind of fun to take 600 hashers in red dresses through's DC biggest gay area. The trail generally went through more of the Dupont Circle area's finer establishments and then headed into a tunnel under contruction at Mass Ave. Some intrepid hashers decided to short-cut the hares and almost caught us. Burnt Sox decided to be the sacrificial lamb and lead these wankers astray while Blank Check and Harddrive continued on setting true trail. The beer stop came next in an alley off 13th and New York avenue. The pack gathered quickly and quaffed much beer and water. After the beer stop the trail headed towards the Mall where we encountered a slight problem, the Black Family Reunion. Who would have thought they would close off some much of the Mall for the event? Sox, once again decided to be the lamb and took the pack astray while Blank Check and I set the rest of the trail. After the Mall, the trail headed to a climaxing moment of chanting and singing in front of the White House, then zigged and zagged to the ON IN at Lulu's. Thanks to all who attended. We (mismangement) had a good time setting this up. See you next year and yes, we are welcome back at Lulu's!

        Your 1998 Red Dress Mismangement was:
        Patti "Black Box" Thomas
        Steve "Blank Check" Stoops
        Don "Hard Drive" Kresal
        Laura "Pay Per View" Garza
        Steve "Burnt Sox" Royster

        The rest of the team of volunteers were:
        Dual Air Bags, Hasher Humper, No Class, Steel Trap, Eat It Raw, Champagne Charlie, Call Girl, Great Balls of Fire, Late Cumer, Bonnie Brewer, 7 Minutes, Oral Report, Latin Anal-ist, Milk Money, RutRo, Hurly Gurly Mon, Great Puck, Stained Sheets, Cyclops, Kiel Bastard, *69, Indecent Proposal, Drops A Load, Bite Me Elmo, Spits It Out, Blazing Straddle, Mellow Foreskin Cheese, Big Bird Turd, Cheese Spread, and Goofy, not to mention Spinal Tap with his video camera, and Wheredafukrwe who was manning the beer van.

